Working Group and International Scientific Exchange

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NEXUS Project

International agencies are calling governments for urgent action to put climate change in their top of the agendas. Societal challenges linked to critical water, food, energy and wider environmental demands will drastically increase in the next 30 years.
Therefore, the integration of technology, science, and digital information for data-driven decision-making is crucial to address human and environmental needs related to sustainable and safe urban, land planning, risk and emergency management.
Synergy between the scientific and professional communities, international and national organizations, that are responsible of producing Open Big Data, is required to address the global challenges connected to the water, food, energy, and environment Nexus.
WARREDOC organizes workshops to discuss how to best integrate data and citizen science into existing and next generation academic and professional training, capacity development, advocacy and outreach, risk awareness and scientific communication, technology and knowledge transfer activities.
The goal of the initiatives is to identify best practices and share a work plan for integrating the digital transformation at practical service of ongoing projects within the UN sustainable development goal framework. Learn more about the last event .

IAHS CANDHY working group

The CandHy Working Group (WG) aims to stimulate discussion, sharing of knowledge, information, data, ideas fostering scientific and professional exchange of academic, institutional and citizen communities interested in the “Citizen AND HYdrology” topic. CandHy seeks to discover the potential of citizen involvement and crowdsourced data for advancing hydrologic research in water resource and risk management, hydroclimatic risk mitigation and disaster preparedness.  CandHy addresses the challenges stated by IAHS for the scientific decade 2013–2022 entitled ““>Panta Rhei – Everything Flows” on hydrology and society with specific regard to the value of citizen science and crowdsourced data in studying the mutual feedbacks between natural and anthropogenic dynamics.
The focus of CandHy WG is to organize, share and disseminate ideas, tools, data and scientific knowledge gathered from multidisciplinary and trans-sectorial researches developing and testing innovative procedures and tools implementing crowdsourcing collaborative platforms, communication and outreach activities, active citizenship and public participation for water resource management.
For further information, visit the official IAHS CANDHY working group page.
