WARREDOC signed an agreement with Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) aimed to elaborate scientific communication plans in the Mediterranean area f based on Digital mapping tools, WebGIS, Storytelling and citizen engagement.
WARREDOC is supporting ISPRA in the development and the dissemination of the Regional Activity Centre for Information and Communication (INFO-RAC) for contributing to collecting and sharing information, raising public awareness and participation and enhancing decision-making processes at the regional, national and local levels. In this context, the mission of INFO-RAC is to provide adequate information and communication services and infrastructure technologies to Contracting Parties to implement Article 12 on public participation and Article 26 of the Barcelona Convention on reporting, as well as several articles related to reporting requirements under the different Protocols, thus strengthening MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan) information management and communication capabilities.
With a view to ensuring availability of coherent and scientifically sound environmental knowledge, INFO-RAC will strive for close cooperation with other key environment institutions and international bodies working on environmental data and information management, to progressively move towards a Shared Environmental Information System.
INFO/RAC scope of action and key issues are grouped as follows:
I. Information and communication technology
II. Information sharing, communication, education, training and awareness-raising
III. Dissemination of results from environmental research and from innovative observation and monitoring technology.