WARREDOC signed an agreement with Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) for the development of joint research activities and scientific communication plans within the UNEP-MAP INFO-RAC framework focusing on Digital mapping data and tools, WebGIS, Storytelling and citizen engagement on water, climate and environment issues.
WARREDOC signed an agreement with Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) for fostering mutual scientific cooperation on water resource and risk management, communication and outreach, open/big data and citizen science with specific focus on the agricoltural sector, sustainable food production, water and food security.
The Institute of Water and Environment of the Florida Internatial University (FIU) and Università per Stranieri di Perugia formalized collaborative efforts to address global water and environmental challenges. The two universities signed a memorandum of understanding to for developing academic, scientific and cultural programs.
WARREDOC and the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU) organized series of scientific seminars, meetings, educational and training initiatives (e.g. Study Abroad programmes) in the field of water resource management, geography, climate and the history.
WARREDOC is involved with Delft University of Technology in the Climate-KIC program with an agreement concerning implementation of the project Polder Roof Field Lab, specifically carrying out the evaluation of suitability of the polder roofs experiments in Italy, the project monitoring, and dissemination.
WARREDOC worked with Regione Lazio and the former Autorità di Bacino del fiume Tevere (now the Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell’ Appennino Centrale) for the development of an applied research project concerning the use of GIS and 2D hydraulic modelling for flood risk management and mapping of the Tiber river upstream of the city of Rome (Orte-Castel Giubileo domain).
Warredoc and Associazione Terra di Amatrice Onlus signed an agreement to support the communication and promotion of the Association, actively engaged in the post-seismic reconstruction of the city of Amatrice. The agreement also provides university scholarships for local students.